Hello everyone! This week the weather warmed up, and the rain came back. It feels like Washington again!
We have been working really hard this week, and finding joy in pretty much everything. God has been good to us, and we have met a lot of great people. Our teaching pool is a little dry right now, but we are preying for miracles every day, and strengthening our faith that they will come.
We found a really solid investigator this week. Her name is Bong Chanthy. She was taught in the past, but she works on Sundays, so she could never come to church. But she told us that she has been working on getting a different schedule so she can come. She has an amazing testimony of Jesus Christ and of the scriptures. I'm really excited to work with her some more.
I have been pondering a lot recently on the will of God and what I can do to more fully live in harmony with His plan for me. I really have a testimony the God does not make mistakes, neither does He leave things up to chance or coincidence. He knows us perfectly, and He loves us enough to give us the right people, the right experiences, and the right lessons that will teach us to be who He knows we are capable of becoming. I probably sound like a broken record, but you can't tell the truth too many times.
And now, pictures!

This is us with Tami, Bong Roths daughter, and her giant cheetah. Tami's a sassy little stinker, and I love her!
Well, that is all for this week. Have a great week and come back for more next Monday.
Sister Lemon
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